
Privacy Policy

Centrorochas values your privacy. In compliance with Brazil’s Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (LGPD) [General Data Protection Law], we take care of your security throughout the navigation on our website, so as to request your personal data only when there is a real need. We reiterate that your registration data is not sold, exchanged or disclosed to third parties.

We process personal data based on the user’s consent. Thus, in agreement with the LGPD, data will only be collected, processed and stored with prior and express consent. At any time and at no cost, the user may revoke their consent.

We use cookies only for the proper functioning of the website, focusing on ensuring a satisfactory browsing experience, and to help us understand which content is most relevant to each person who accesses our website. 

If you have any questions about how we process your data and personal information, please contact our team.

What is the LGPD? 

Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (LGPD), established by Law 13.709/2018, refers to legislation that aims to regulate the processing of personal data and to protect the freedom and privacy of users. To this end, it is responsible for creating transparent practices that ensure user privacy while browsing websites and select which pieces of information cookies may store.

What are cookies? 

Cookies, in short, are digital files sent by websites that store information on all devices that use the internet, such as computers, tablets and smartphones, when a person visits a specific website. They are responsible for collecting various items of data in order to record user preferences and provide custom experiences.

Why do we use cookies on our website?

Cookies are used on our website in order to facilitate navigation on the page, based on the authorization of the LGPD, which includes the processing of personal data to meet the interests of users. Besides, the information we collect helps us improve the navigability of the pages.

What do we do to ensure your data is secure?

To keep personal information secure, we use physical, electronic and managerial tools aimed at protecting privacy. We use these tools taking into account the nature of the collected personal data, the context and purpose of the processing and the risks that possible violations would generate for the rights and freedoms of the holder of the collected and processed information.

Among the measures we adopt, we highlight:

  • Only authorized persons have access to the collected personal data;
  • The user’s personal data is only accessed after the commitment of confidentiality;
  • Personal data is stored in a secure, reputable environment.