
Student from Santa Catarina receives national architecture award at Cachoeiro Stone Fair 2023

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  • Student from Santa Catarina receives national architecture award at Cachoeiro Stone Fair 2023

Architecture and urbanism student Talita Perazza, who stood out for her innovative approach to using Brazilian natural stones in the Natural Stone Challenge – 1st Brazilian Academic Architecture Award, participated in the 32nd edition of Cachoeiro Stone Fair, held from August 22 to 25, in the city of Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, in the state of Espírito Santo.


Winning second place in the competition – in which she presented the remarkable Hotel Vinícola Rosso – enabled her participation in the fair, the largest business showcase in Latin America in the natural stone sector. During the event, Perazza explored the latest trends and uses of stones in the industry.


The Natural Stone Challenge – 1st Brazilian Academic Architecture Award was held in the second half of 2022. It aimed to contribute to improving the training of new professionals regarding the use of natural stones. The award is handed out by the Brazilian Center of Natural Stone Exporters (Centrorochas), the World Natural Stone Association (Wonasa) and Vitoria Stone Fair.


Winner will go to Italy

The winner of the Natural Stone Challenge, Camilla Eleodoro, will visit Marmomac, the main international fair in the natural stone industry, in Verona, Italy, from September 26 to 29.  Born in the city of Marília, in the state of São Paulo, the recent graduate in Architecture and Urbanism from Unimar – University of Marilia, won the trip with an innovative project for a Mental Health Support Center. The design uses natural stones to highlight the mix of solidity and flexibility of these materials.