New president of Apex-Brasil holds first agenda with Centrorochas

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  • New president of Apex-Brasil holds first agenda with Centrorochas

The president of the Brazilian Center for Ornamental Stone Exporters (Centrorochas), Frederico Robison, accompanied by the vice-president of the entity, Fabio Cruz, and the advisor, Tales Machado, participated on Friday, May 28, in a meeting with the president from the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil), Augusto Pestana.

The virtual meeting aimed to strengthen the relationship between the entities, as President Pestana had recently taken office. Innovation, business intelligence, quality foreign investment, promotion of Brazil’s image abroad and greater integration with the Itamaraty network: “these are the five guidelines that I present as a work plan for this challenging moment, but full of opportunities”, said Pestana during the inauguration held on May 12th. At today’s meeting, the president of Apex-Brasil also reinforced the importance of the ornamental stone sector for the Brazilian economy and exports, as well as the Agency’s interest in continuing to support companies in the segment.

Also participating in the meeting were the executive director of Centrorochas, Celmo de Freitas; the manager of Industry and Services at Apex-Brasil, Maria Paula Velloso; and the manager of Apex-Brasil’s Presidency Office, Igor Brandão.