
Majority of stone exporters expect this November to be better than last year

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  • 13 November 2020
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  • Majority of stone exporters expect this November to be better than last year

Data was pointed out in a consultation carried out by Centrorochas and Sindirochas among companies in the ornamental stone sector in Espírito Santo. A survey also pointed out that 64% of companies registered a positive surprise with the results obtained in October of this year.


Between the 4th and 9th of November, the Brazilian Center for Dimension Stone Exporters (Centrorochas) and the Union of Dimension Stone, Lime and Limestone Industries of the State of Espírito Santo (Sindirochas) carried out a new survey among companies in the stone sector ornamentais capixaba to monitor the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic on the segment. In the consultation, 62% of stone exporting companies registered an expectation of growth in business in November/20, compared to November/19. The same expectation is shared by 56% of those operating in the domestic market.


The entities have been carrying out this survey since May of this year. In the latter, companies operating in the domestic market (21%), the foreign market (23%) and both (55%) participated. Among those operating in both markets, 50% indicated that more than 75% of revenue is obtained from exports. Espírito Santo is the largest producer and exporter of ornamental stones in the country.


In the consultation, 64% of the participants registered a positive surprise with the results obtained in October, 49% also pointed out that they no longer feel the impacts of Covid-19 on their businesses and another 43% indicated that the same, although still felt, are in decline scale. With regard to staff, 44% of the participating companies reported hiring in October of this year and 21% indicated that they expected to hire in November. It was pointed out by 36% of the participants that they carried out admissions in recent months and already have a staff greater than the existing one before the start of the pandemic. Another 23% have already made admissions and returned their staff to the previously existing one. Already 13% indicated that they still find their workforce below that existing before the start of the pandemic, but have been hiring.


Expectations for 2021

Regardless of their area of activity in the market, survey participants have positive expectations for the year 2021. Among the companies that operate in the foreign market, 70% projected growth in sales in the next year, whereas among those operating in the domestic market, expectation is indicated by 69%. They pointed to a scenario of stability, 30% among those operating in the foreign market and 28% of those operating in the domestic market.


The consultation, carried out via an electronic form published in the WhatsApp groups of the entities, had the participation of medium-sized companies (79%), small and micro (19%) and large companies (2%). 47 valid responses were received. Check out the material in full here.