
Government proposes reduction and extinction of fines for non-compliance with ancillary obligations

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  • Government proposes reduction and extinction of fines for non-compliance with ancillary obligations
Governo propõe diminuição e extinção de multas por descumprimento de obrigações acessórias

This Wednesday, October 9, the government of Espírito Santo presented a bill that proposes the reduction and extinction of a series of fines for non-compliance with ancillary obligations – monthly, quarterly and annual statements, which contain information about the company . The proposal was presented at Palácio Anchieta, in Vitória, to a group of representatives of entities, businessmen and politicians. The project will be forwarded to the Legislative Assembly (Ales) and sanctioned, fines imposed by the Tax Authorities will be extinguished or reduced. Taxpayers, however, must apply to the Secretary of State for Finance Secretary of State for Finance (Sefaz).

Superintendent Alessandra Bertolani represented Centrorochas at the ceremony that was attended by Governor Renato Casagrande; vice-governor Jaqueline Moraes; the president of the Legislative Assembly, Erick Musso, representing the other deputies; the Secretaries of State, Rogélio Pegoretti (Finance), Marcos Kneipp (Development); Davi Diniz (Casa Civil), Bruno Lamas (Labour, Assistance and Social Development); in addition to the CEOs of the Agency for the Development of Micro and Small Companies and Entrepreneurship (Aderes), Alberto Gavini, and of the Board of Trade, Carlos Rafael. The president of the Federation of Industries of Espírito Santo (Findes), Léo de Castro, and the executive of Sindirochas, Celmo de Freitas, were also present.

There is still no date for voting on the project, which was signed by Governor Renato Casagrande and sent to Ales deputies.