Centrorochas seeks improvement in the value of international maritime freight

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  • Centrorochas seeks improvement in the value of international maritime freight

The president of Centrorochas, Tales Machado, accompanied by his deputy, Fabio Cruz, was in São Paulo, on October 11, for a meeting with representatives of the Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC), a world company in the global transport of containers and the main shipowner that serves the Brazilian productive arrangement of ornamental stones.

The meeting was motivated by the sector entity’s quest to work together with MSC in the search for solutions in the face of the high costs of maritime freight, mainly in the transportation of the Brazil and United States stretch. Participating in the agenda, representing MSC: director João Neto; the Americas manager, Douglas Baccarini, and the commercial director, Laurent Van Der Voo. The president of Codesa, Ilson Hulle, also participated in the meeting.

“We have been following the world scenario and, in recent months, maritime freight rates in Asia, mainly in India and China, have already dropped significantly; however, the values of shipments made in the Brazil and USA section are not reducing at the same speed”, pointed out Tales Machado when commenting that this imbalance has made the Brazilian stone sector lose competitiveness in the international market.

Sensitive to the request presented by Centrorochas, the MSC representatives committed themselves to taking the matter for analysis by the board, in Geneva. Centrorochas will formalize the matter in an official statement to be sent to the company.