
Centrorochas and Sindirochas work for the uniqueness of the two institutions

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  • 02 December 2019
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  • Centrorochas and Sindirochas work for the uniqueness of the two institutions
Centrorochas e Sindirochas trabalham pela unicidade das duas instituições

The presidents of the Brazilian Center of Ornamental Stones Exporters (Centrorochas), Frederico Robison, and of Sindirochas (Union of Dimension Stones, Lime and Limestone Industries of the State of Espírito Santo), Tales Machado, met on Friday, november, together with members of the councils of both entities and businessmen from the sector to deal with matters of interest to both institutions. The leaders are studying the merger of organizations with a single management in order to favor and strengthen the ornamental stone sector in Espírito Santo and Brazil.

Espírito Santo stands out in the ornamental stone sector because it is considered the largest producing state and the main exporter of slabs and blocks in Brazil, with the largest processing park and the largest capital goods producer for the segment, accounting for 81 .7% of total revenues and 76.2% of the total physical volume of Brazilian stone exports.

The meeting took place at the headquarters of Findes, in Vitória, brought together around 40 exporting companies and was attended by the president of the Federation of Industries of Espírito Santo, Léo de Castro, and the president of Sinrochas (Intermunicipal Union of Industries for the Improvement of Marbles, Granites and Ornamental Stones in the State of Minas Gerais) and vice-president of FIEMG, José Balbino Figueiredo. Also there were the president of Cetemag, Eutemar Venturim, and the president of Rochativa, Valdecyr Viguini.