
Stone Summit will highlight the challenges and opportunities of the domestic stone market

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  • Stone Summit will highlight the challenges and opportunities of the domestic stone market

More than half of the Brazilian production of dimension stones is in the country. Espírito Santo concentrates the largest production and processing center in the segment.


The next Stone Summit will have as its theme “The Brazilian ornamental stone sector: challenges and opportunities from the point of view of those who experience the day-to-day life of the internal market”. The segment involves a long production chain, with companies and professionals working to deliver each stage of the extraction, processing and commercialization of natural stones.

Espírito Santo, the state with the largest processing park in the sector and the largest producer of ornamental rocks, stands out on the national scene. And the municipality of Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, located in the southern region of Espírito Santo, is known nationally and internationally for its importance in the segment. And it will be from the city where traditionally, in August, the Cachoeiro Stone Fair takes place, which will be broadcast throughout the country, the third episode of the Stone Summit.

The live will take place on August 26, at 4 pm, and will bring together a team of professionals representing leading companies in the domestic stone market, sharing relevant information with the aim of contributing to the development of the segment. The guests are: Renata Malenza (Brasigran), Valdecyr Viguini (Cajugram), Tiago Calvi (CS3 Revestimentos) and Ricardo Estuqui (Nobile Marmo). They will discuss the internal market and debate the strategies and ways to act, sell, relate and influence the consumption of ornamental stones in Brazil.

The greatest demand in the domestic market is for finished products. It is estimated that the country has more than 1,200 varieties of rocks and more than 10,000 companies. According to industry data, the national market absorbs a large share of Brazilian ornamental stones, around 2/3 of national production, and is responsible for revenues approximately twice as high as those registered in exports.


Those interested in participating in the live will be able to register for free through the website www.stonestummit.com.br, or by accessing the link indicated in the social networks of the project. All registrants will receive a link to watch the episode by email, as well as a post-event participation certificate.


About Stone Summit

With the aim of connecting opportunities and sharing important information and data from the ornamental stone market, the Stone Summit project was created, an initiative by Milanez & Milaneze, organizer of the Marble and Granite Fairs, together with the sector entities Sindirochas and Centrorochas. It has the support of Cetemag, Rochativa, Simagran CE, SinRochas MG and Rochas Magazine.

Other episodes will still come addressing themes related to marble shops, architecture, among others. Stay tuned!

Episode 3 – “The Brazilian ornamental stone sector: challenges and opportunities from the point of view of those who experience the day-to-day in the domestic market”

Date: 26/08, at 4 pm
Registration: www.stonesummit.com.br