
Stone Summit will address the impact of Covid-19 on the international stone market

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  • Stone Summit will address the impact of Covid-19 on the international stone market

Idealized by the makers of the International Marble and Granite Fair, together with Sindirochas and Centrorochas, the Stone Summit will have its first actions later this month


While the reality guided by the Covid-19 pandemic does not allow the absolute return of commercial activities in industries and shops, many ideas and new ways of acting have emerged as viable alternatives to connect companies and accommodate business within what is considered the ‘new normal’. ‘.

Seeking to reconnect the ornamental stone sector, which is one of the most important for the economy of Espírito Santo, the ‘Stone Summit’ project emerges, an initiative by Milanez & Milaneze, organizer of the Marble and Granite Fairs, together with the sector entities Sindirochas and Centrorochas .

Following the example of large and small companies and markets that are finding ways to overcome the crisis, with exclusive content aimed specifically at the challenges of natural stone entrepreneurs, the ‘Stone Summit’ will start with periodic online meetings during the coming months.

Flávia Milaneze, director of Milanez & Milaneze, explains that the project is not intended to replace face-to-face fairs, but rather to point out ways for the sector to act within a new reality. “We are going through an unprecedented situation, in which it is not possible to predict exactly what the future holds for us. But we can work creating scenarios, developing partnerships, exchanging and building knowledge and new projects, so that we can face the challenges that will come after the crisis with more structure”, she says.

For the president of Centrorochas, Frederico Robison, the project will facilitate interaction and cooperation between sector actors. “I believe that this project will create an innovative environment that has been designed throughout the production chain. In this way, we will be able to present the entire productive, technological and commercial arrangement in a universal model of dissemination”, he points out.

Lives to discuss the sector in the pandemic

The first step of the Stone Summit is to hold a series of lives to generate relevant content during the pandemic. The first episode is already confirmed for the 24th of June, with the participation of sector entities and entrepreneurs who are a reference for the sector. The subject on the agenda will be “The impact of Covid-19 on the ornamental stone market”, and the guests will bring different points of view on the export of blocks and slabs, the international market and specifiers.

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“The Stone Summit comes as a quick response to the challenge that has presented itself and starts a new scenario of innovation and entrepreneurship, focused on generating knowledge and content for entrepreneurs in the dimension stone sector. It is essential that everyone participate and get involved in some way so that they can receive strategic content, focused on solving problems”, comments the president of Sindirochas, Tales Machado.
The Stone Summit is an initiative by Milanez & Milaneze, promoted by Sindirochas and Centrorochas. It has the support of Cetemag, Rochativa, Simagran CE, SinRochas MG and Rochas Magazine.