The ornamental stone sector revealed that it has been working together to overcome all the challenges posed by the new coronavirus pandemic, which has affected markets around the world. In this context, from ‘together we are stronger’, the Stone Summit was born, a project focused on connecting companies and accommodating business within what is considered the ‘new normal’.
More than 500 people simultaneously watched the premiere episode, held this Wednesday, June 24, with live transmission on YouTube. Four important stone exporters were invited to present their points of view on the export of blocks and slabs, the international market and specifiers. Adriano Alves (director of Vitoria Stone Group), Gonsalo Machado (commercial director of Magban); Gustavo Probst (commercial director of Decolores) and John Lucas Thomazini (CEO of Gramazini) exchanged different experiences and points of view (why not?) based on the export data provided by BI Centrorochas, a system developed with the objective of helping in decision-making process of companies in the international market.
The mediation of the event was in charge of the president of Centrochas, Frederico Robison, and the director of Milanez & Milaneze, Flávia Milanez. They led the debates directly from a studio set up at FindesLab, a space for technology and innovation at the Federation of Industries of Espírito Santo (Findes). The space was set up following all health and safety standards. The president of Findes, Léo de Castro, opened the event and highlighted the importance of the sector debating the post-pandemic. “The pandemic is affecting all sectors, but it will pass. We need precisely to prepare for the next day, so that we can overcome this moment and leave in better conditions of competitiveness”, he highlighted.
Participating virtually, the president of Sindirochas, Tales Machado, made an overview of the sector and highlighted optimism with a gradual resumption of exports until the end of the year. “External markets are in the process of resuming, coming out of the pandemic. There is still a lot of uncertainty, but expectations of good results in June have already begun to appear. Despite this, the final numbers for the year will be below those obtained last year. But the sector is going through everything and working to minimize the impacts”.
Business and innovation also combine with solidarity and during the live, participants had access to a QR code for donations to Rochativa, the social arm of the stone sector. Incidentally, one of the subjects discussed was the change in behavior of international clients who have questioned the contributions of companies, and even of the country, to the society in which they are inserted. This and other subjects can be seen in the full video of the live, available on the Stone Summit YouTube channel.
There were several topics discussed during the event: sales process, exchange variation, credit, market diversification and the future of the sector. Among several points raised, John Thomazini highlighted that the numbers show the adaptability of the segment. “To act in this new scenario, I believe in the importance of investing in technology, but without losing real contact, which is essential for valuing our products. It is the moment to try to be close, even if you are far away”.
Gustavo Probst reinforced the importance of the present moment. “This momentary pause caused by the pandemic gave us time to organize, remove the projects that were in the drawer, review processes in the company and invest in getting stock ready for the moment of recovery”.
Adriano reinforced the importance of using technology in commercial relations. “There is no way we can stop betting on e-commerce. I believe that this pandemic process should accelerate change processes, especially with the difficulty of face-to-face inspections. The prior analysis of the product’s data sheet must become part of the routine for making a purchase decision. It will be one more process in the approximation between the producer and the final customer”.
Gonsalo Machado stressed that the pandemic brought the challenge of creating new alternatives. “That moment taught us that to be healthy, we need to have a healthy neighbor. It’s time we don’t look at the neighbor as an enemy, but someone who needs to be strong so that we can also be strong. Let’s walk together with balance and safety “.
At the end of the event, the president of Centrorochas, Frederico Robison, emphasized the importance of the union of entities and companies in favor of the sector. “The stone sector has adapted and worked to minimize the impacts of this pandemic. The best tool in the segment is communication between entrepreneurs”, he highlighted.
The date and theme of the second episode of the Stone Summit will be announced soon. The project is an initiative of Milanez & Milaneze, organizer of the Marble and Granite Fairs, together with the sector entities Sindirochas and Centro
Rochas and has the support of Cetemag, Rochativa, Simagran CE, SinRochas MG and Rochas Magazine. This first edition also had the support of Findes and FindesLab.
Click here and check out the full text of episode 01 of the Stone Summit.
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