Stone sector surprises Apex-Brasil with record participation of entrepreneurs in sectoral ranking

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  • Stone sector surprises Apex-Brasil with record participation of entrepreneurs in sectoral ranking

The engagement of entrepreneurs in the stone sector in the preparation of the new Sectorial Project caught the attention of representatives of the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil) during a meeting this Tuesday, January 26, to define the ranking of countries -target that will be part of the project to be submitted to the agency’s evaluation to promote the segment in the international market in the next two years. The meeting had the active participation of more than 50 Brazilian ornamental stone exporters who, led by the Brazilian Center for Ornamental Stones Exporters (Centrorochas), contributed assertively to the definition of countries.

“A ranking of markets with more than 50 participating companies is something unprecedented for us. Although we have already supported the sector for a long time, it is as if we were starting now, listening to the qualitative analyzes of businessmen”, stressed the Apex- Brazil, Paulo Roberto Silva.

The process is led by Centrorochas together with companies in the segment throughout Brazil and other industry leaders. The meeting marked the last stage for the conclusion of the project that will be submitted to Apex-Brasil’s evaluation and was attended by members of the commercial and market intelligence management, who are part of the agency’s Business Directorate, in addition to several businessmen from the productive arrangement .

new moment

Holder of the largest agreement with the national agency, the Brazilian stone sector began at the end of 2019 a work to review the support process for the segment and elected Centrorochas as the national representative. Since last year, the entity has strengthened the business mobilization process for the construction of the sectoral project with the active participation of businessmen and adhering to the desires of the segment.

Prioritization of markets

Participants at the meeting listened attentively to the presentation by Apex-Brasil’s market intelligence analyst, Rodrigo Octávio Curvello Wutke, of the extensive technical study carried out on the priority markets of the stone sector in the world. Based on quantitative data in a broad analysis in more than 40 countries, the companies present had the opportunity to expose their perceptions and marketing experiences to define a priority list and, finally, vote among the target countries on each predefined front: plates polished, blocks and finished materials.

With the three distinct lists in hand, the next stage is a joint internal analysis between the technical teams from Apex-Brasil and Centrorochas to define eight to 10 countries that will guide the actions of the sectorial project.

Apex-Brasil/ Sectorial Project

The agency works to promote Brazilian products and services abroad and attract foreign investment to strategic sectors of the Brazilian economy. Activity: business qualification, internationalization strategy, business and image promotion, investment attraction and market intelligence.

Sectoral projects are partnerships established between Apex-Brasil and representative entities with the aim of supporting activities to develop the export capacity of companies, thus contributing to the promotion of Brazilian industry in the foreign market.