Exports record in 2021 the best revenue in the history of the sector, 1.34 billion dollars, according to data released by the Brazilian Center of Ornamental Stones Exporters.
Brazilian exports of ornamental stones in 2021 surpassed the revenue levels recorded in the pre-pandemic period and in the entire history of the segment. According to data released by the Brazilian Center for Ornamental Stones Exporters (Centrorochas), last year the country earned US$1.34 billion.
Between January and December, the national sector sent 2.4 million tons to 132 countries spread across five continents and recorded growth of 35.5% compared to 2020. export its products after signing the sectoral agreement signed between Centrorochas and the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil). Together, the two entities develop It’s Natural – Brazilian Natural Stone, a project to encourage exports in the sector that currently supports around 140 companies.
The United States appears in the lead as the largest consumer, representing 62.7% of all exports. China (11.5%), Italy (6.5%) and Mexico (3.8%) occupy the next positions. The four countries are part of the eight target markets identified by the sectorial project.
“In a year with serious logistical complexities, the national stone sector broke this historical record. Centrorochas’ credibility with entrepreneurs, added to the milder scenario of the pandemic in the second half of 2021, the development of actions in the sectoral project and also the heating up of the global civil construction sector, contributed to this advance. We surpassed by almost 40 million dollars our highest revenue so far, which had been registered in 2013”, detailed the president of Centrorochas, Tales Machado.
“The year 2021 was full of challenges, but together we were able to turn them into opportunities and victories. It is gratifying to see that our partnership with the ornamental stone sector produced record exports and, consequently, generated more jobs and income for the benefit of thousands of Brazilian families”, said the president of ApexBrasil, Augusto Pestana.
Major exporting states
Espírito Santo (83.3%), Minas Gerais (9.9%) and Ceará (2.8%) were the three states that most exported ornamental stones from January to December last year. The state of Espírito Santo was the largest exporter in the segment in 2021, accumulating a total of US$ 1.14 billion, accounting for 83.3% of the total value of stone exports made by Brazil.
The evolution of Espírito Santo during the year, in relation to the previous year, was 37.02% in value (dollar) and 8.95% in weight (ton), showing an organic growth in added value of exported materials of 25.77% average price (dollar/ton). Minas Gerais totaled US$ 132.76 million and growth of 25.5%, remaining as the second largest Brazilian power among the largest exporters. Ceará, on the other hand, accumulated a total of US$ 37.87 million and 50% growth in exports in the analyzed period, highlighting the shipment of quartzites, raw or processed.
According to the president of the Union of Dimension Stones, Lime and Limestones of the State of Espírito Santo (Sindirochas), Ed Martins, the sector is responsible for approximately 10% of Espírito Santo’s GDP and concentrates the largest number of companies in the country, generating about 25 thousand direct and 100 indirect jobs in the state. “The rock production chain has close to 1,600 companies in Espírito Santo and 200 mining fronts. When we look at the foreign market, without neglecting our domestic market, one of the advantages of our industry is its diversity, which allows us to meet the needs of markets with different profiles”, he pointed out.
About It’s Natural – Brazilian Natural Stone
It’s Natural – Brazilian Natural Stone is an export incentive program developed by the Brazilian Center for Ornamental Stones Exporters (Centrorochas) in partnership with the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil). The program aims to stimulate and increase exports of Brazilian ornamental stones, through a set of strategic internationalization actions with promotion actions, strengthening the image and development of the sector in the world market.
About Centrorochas
The Centro Brasileiro dos Exportadores de Pedras Ornamentais acts directly in the procedures related to the presence of Brazilian businessmen abroad combined with commercial and operational activities related to the development and evolution of Brazilian companies.
About ApexBrasil
ApexBrasil acts to promote Brazilian products and services abroad and attract foreign investment to strategic sectors of the Brazilian economy. To achieve these objectives, the Agency carries out different actions
trade promotion activities aimed at promoting exports and valuing Brazilian products and services abroad, such as prospective and trade missions, business roundtables, support for the participation of Brazilian companies in major international fairs, visits by foreign buyers and opinion makers to meet the Brazilian productive structure among other business platforms that also aim to strengthen the Brazil brand.
(Photo credit Gramazini – publicity)
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