Qualified visitation highlights the participation of Brazilian rocks at the Milan Design Week

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  • Qualified visitation highlights the participation of Brazilian rocks at the Milan Design Week

The garden of the Università degli Studi di Milano gained a special attraction during the Interni Design Re-Evolution exhibition, held as part of the Milan Design Week – FuoriSalone: a design intervention 100% made with Brazilian ornamental stones. Created by architect and designer Vivian Coser, the Stone Pavilion caught the attention of visitors to the show by exposing natural materials in the form of plates and design pieces, from April 17th to 26th.

The environment featured the realization of It’s Natural – Brazilian Natural Stone, a project to encourage exports of Brazilian ornamental stones, promoted by the Brazilian Center for Ornamental Stones Exporters (Centrorochas) and by the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil).

During the ten days of the event, visitors had the opportunity to enter the space outlined under the essence of biophilia, a concept that brings the environment to urban spaces, promotes well-being, emotional comfort and a feeling of relaxation. Structured with quartzite, semi-precious rock and dolomitic marble, the intervention included materials from six Brazilian companies: Cajugram, Dapaz, Decolores, Gramazini, Granistone and Pedra do Frade.

“It was an excellent opportunity to publicize Brazilian natural rocks”, stated the general manager of Centrorochas, Giovanni Francischetto. Holder of the greatest geological diversity in the world, Brazil has a large industrial park for the supply of blocks, finished and semi-finished products, works of art, design, architecture, among others.

“The sector managed to position itself in an attractive way and exalt its sustainable side”, added Francischetto. In time, more than 95% of all the water used in the production process is fully reused; in addition, production waste is used or disposed of in licensed deposits. The rocks also have a lower CO2 emission rate in production, compared to other coating options used in architectural projects.

Discover the Brazilian rocks that were exhibited at the event:

Amazonite (Provided by Granistone)

An exotic semi-precious rock, made of quartz crystal, clapboard and a rare cyan colored pegmatite. It has a high degree of hardness and high resistance to acids and cleaning products. Because it has quartz in its composition, it can be backlit because it is translucent.

It can also be used in outdoor areas, gourmet spaces, tables, bathrooms, swimming pools and furniture.

Apollo Light (Provided by Cajugram)

The name Apollo was inspired by the sculptures of the Greek god of beauty, which seemed perfect for this quartzite. The material has light tones and soft veins that contrast with the quartz crystals, easily harmonizing in classic or modern environments. It is a versatile stone that can be integrated into more traditional and more daring designs in more exotic projects. Its composition is 95% quartz crystals, which makes it a very dense material, with a very homogeneous appearance, in addition to being hard, resistant to abrasion and with high resistance to compression and flexion. Apollo’s beauty is highlighted mainly in the polished and satin finishes, and can be applied in interiors or in exterior projects, for floors, walls and countertops.

Da Vinci (Provided by Decolores)

Da Vinci quartzite is an exuberant stone composed of mineral relics such as quartz and fuchsite, which give it a translucent appearance and green color. It features intriguing structures such as stratifications, smooth lines that portray how the quartz sands moved in the environment where Da Vinci was formed, 3 million years ago. It can be used in several areas, including swimming pools.

Natura (Provided by Pedra do Frade)

Natura quartzite comes from a region called Serra da Carnaíba, where there is the highest concentration of emeralds in Brazil, hence its emerald green color. It is composed of green quartzites, white quartz crystals, intertwined with fuchsite and emerald scoria.

Lunar (Provided by Friar’s Stone)

Lunar is a dolomitic marble from southern Bahia, Brazil. This material has a white background with grayish veins, bringing elegance and versatility. As it is a dolomitic marble, it has above average resistance and can be used in many different projects, including kitchens.

Polaris (Provided by Gramazini)

A peculiar quartzite with an intense green and white color. This differentiates itself in the market, intriguing with its beauty and durability. Polaris is the brightest star in the constellation Ursa Minor and is located approximately at the north celestial pole. Hence the name. With its color variations from green to white and gold, a new “star” was discovered, Polaris.

Speranza (Provided by Granistone)

A unique quartzite, with a dark green background and neon green moving veins, has a high degree of hardness and resistance to acids and cleaning products. Can be used in indoor and outdoor areas


Vanilla Sky (Provided by Dapaz)

Vanilla Sky is a golden, tan and white quartzite from Brazil. Its timeless design can be adapted to virtually any type of project, from traditional to modern. This metamorphic stone is mined in the mountains of Ceará, and its origins can be dated back hundreds of millions of years. Mother Nature prints in this masterpiece smooth movements that resemble brushstrokes with subtle movements that surprise without impressing the eye.

About It’s Natural – Brazilian Natural Stone

It’s Natural – Brazilian Natural Stone is an export incentive program developed by the Brazilian Center for Ornamental Stones Exporters (Centrorochas) in partnership with the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil). The program aims to stimulate and increase exports of Brazilian ornamental stones, through a set of strategic internationalization actions with promotion actions, strengthening the image and development of the sector in the world market.

About Centrorochas

The Brazilian Center for Dimension Stone Exporters is present in all national demands to increase the competitiveness of the dimension stone sector. The entity acts directly by providing support in the procedures related to the presence of Brazilian entrepreneurs abroad, combined with commercial and operational activities related to the development and evolution of Brazilian companies.

About ApexBrasil

ApexBrasil acts to promote Brazilian products and services abroad and attract foreign investment to strategic sectors of the Brazilian economy. To achieve these goals, the Agency carries out diversified trade promotion actions aimed at promoting exports and valuing Brazilian products and services abroad, such as prospective and trade missions, business roundtables, support for the participation of Brazilian companies in major international fairs, visits of foreign buyers and opinion makers to get to know the Brazilian production structure, among other business platforms that also aim to strengthen the Brazil brand.