
New Centrorochas Board takes office

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  • New Centrorochas Board takes office

Businessman Tales Machado took office as president of Centrorochas, alongside the entire Council, in a ceremony held this Friday, August 27, in Vitória. After six years at the head of Sindirochas, the largest employers’ union in the sector in the country, Tales takes over the national entity replacing Frederico Robison, a businessman who has been at the head of the association for the last three years.

Vice-president in the previous management, Fabio Cruz, remains in the position and will work with the newly elected directors, 22 in total. In his first speech as president-elect, Tales Machado reinforced that he hopes to continue counting on the support of all associates and exporters to continue with the work carried out so far. “We have been working to end the differences that existed in the sector, we have made achievements, but we still have a lot to deliver. The stone sector began a new phase with the signing of the sectoral agreement signed between Centrorochas and Apex-Brasil. But, in addition to the promotion of Brazilian stones abroad, it is part of our radar to work focused on the domestic market and the development of specific activities with specifiers. We are also going to continue working to unite the sector and increase the participation of companies in all actions”, he highlighted.

The inauguration ceremony was attended by the Special Secretary of Finance of the Ministry of Economy, Bruno Funchal, who, in an exclusive presentation for the segment, outlined an overview of the national economy and how the scenario influences the sector of ornamental stones in Brazil and Espírito Santo, after all , Espírito Santo is the largest exporting state in the country, accounting for around 82% of all dimension stones shipped to the international market.

Several authorities participated in the event, such as the president of Findes, Cris Samorini, the federal deputy and deputy leader of the Bolsonaro government, Evair de Melo, the vice president of CNI, Léo de Castro, in addition to the directors of ANM, Débora Puccini Toci and Guilherme Santana Lopes Gomes.


Entrepreneur, Tales Machado is the owner of Magban and an active agent for the development of the entire Brazilian productive arrangement. Tales also holds the position of vice-president of the Federation of Industries of Espírito Santo (Findes) and is a member of the Thematic Council for Mining (Comin), of the National Confederation of Industry (CNI).

shared ceremony

In addition to taking office as president of Centrorochas, Tales took on the position of 1st vice-president at the Union of Dimension Stone, Lime and Limestone Industries of Espírito Santo (Sindirochas) alongside President Ed Martins and his advisers. “We will continue to work effectively on issues related to the ornamental stone sector in Espírito Santo, aiming to strengthen activities and develop the entire stone production chain”, reinforced Ed Martins in his first official speech.

Click here and review the inauguration ceremony of the new Board of Directors: https://youtu.be/uRp3Qx1zneU

Photos: Rodrigo Gavini