Meeting in Goiás discusses interfederative synergies for the development of mining

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  • Meeting in Goiás discusses interfederative synergies for the development of mining

The 8th National Meeting of Small and Midsize Mining Industries was held in Goiânia, GO, between June 27th and 29th, and discussed interfederative synergies for the development of mining. Centrorochas’ legal consultant for environmental and mining matters, Victor Athayde, also attended the event, which focused on the development of state mining plans that have been implemented throughout Brazil, most notably in the states of Minas Gerais, Goiás and Pará.

“These initiatives are intended to disseminate around the country”, highlighted the lawyer who, as representative of the national and Espirito Santo’s stone sector (he also acts as legal consultant for Sindirochas), was nominated by the vice-governor of Espírito Santo, Ricardo Ferraço, as his representative at the event. In time, mining in Espírito Santo is responsible for about 15% of the industry’s employment, about 9% of Espírito Santo’s GDP and, especially, the ornamental stones mining industry, represents about 70% of the national production in capixaba soil.

Large participation

The 8th National Meeting of the Small and Midsize Mining Industries happened in parallel to the II Mining Industry Fair (BRASMIN), which was visited by the president of Centrorochas, Tales Machado, on the first day of the event. During his schedule at the event, the sector leader, as well as the president of Sindirochas, Ed Martins, reinforced the invitation to the president of the Federation of Industries of the State of Goiás (Fieg), Sandro Mabel, to participate in the 34th Cachoeiro Stone Fair, the biggest business showcase of Latin America in the stone sector, which will take place from August 22nd to 25th, in Cachoeiro de Itapemirim – ES.