
Market specialists highlight opportunities for the Brazilian stone sector in India

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  • 23 September 2021
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  • Market specialists highlight opportunities for the Brazilian stone sector in India

Live Comex, organized by Banco do Brasil, with the participation of the Brazilian Center for Ornamental Stones Exporters (Centrorochas) and the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil), highlighted opportunities for Brazilian companies in the Indian market. The event took place this Tuesday, September 21, and had the participation of the manager of the It’s Natural – Brazilian Natural Stone project, Rogério Ribeiro.

During his speech, Rogério highlighted the actions of the sectoral project, the result of the agreement signed between Centrorochas and Apex-Brasil, which aims to promote the segment in the international market. “India is one of the eight priority markets to be worked on in the next two years, the period of the project, and we have specific actions for the country, such as a market opening study, scheduled for the first half of next year”, he announced referring to to the action that involves study, prospective mission, presentation webinar and commercial mission to the country.

Apex-Brasil’s specialist in Market Intelligence, Ulisses Pimenta, was another guest panelist and highlighted the grandeur of the Indian market. “India is the fastest growing economy in the world and buys ornamental stones from several countries, with Turkey and Italy as the main suppliers and Brazil occupies the 6th position in this market”, he said.

The executive manager of Economic Advisory at Banco do Brasil, Vinicius Zanchi, presented the scenario of the national and world economies that the BB team has signaled for the end of 2021 and for next year. “We see a scenario of economic recovery amid risks. The international economic scenario is still favorable, but from now on, if we had to weigh the risks, they are asymmetrical. On the domestic side, the position is also one of caution, considering the scenario of reforms and the entry into an election year”, he pointed out.

At the end of the event, BB’s International Business manager, Murilo Almeida, presented the lines offered by the bank that benefit the ornamental stone sector, such as PROEX Financing, which, in 2021, will complete 30 years. “This is a financing program to support Brazilian exports of goods and services, at costs compatible with those practiced in the international market”, he exemplified.

About It’s Natural – Brazilian Natural Stone
It’s Natural – Brazilian Natural Stone is an export incentive program developed by the Brazilian Center for Ornamental Stones Exporters (Centrorochas) in partnership with the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil). This program aims to increase exports of Brazilian ornamental stones, through a set of strategic internationalization actions with promotion actions, strengthening the image and development of the sector in the world market.

About Centrorochas
The Centro Brasileiro dos Exportadores de Pedras Ornamentais acts directly in the procedures related to the presence of Brazilian businessmen abroad combined with commercial and operational activities related to the development and evolution of Brazilian companies.

About Apex-Brasil
Apex-Brasil acts to promote Brazilian products and services abroad and attract foreign investment to strategic sectors of the Brazilian economy. To achieve these goals, the Agency carries out diversified trade promotion actions aimed at promoting exports and valuing Brazilian products and services abroad, such as prospective and trade missions, business roundtables, support for the participation of Brazilian companies in major international fairs, visits of foreign buyers and opinion makers to get to know the Brazilian production structure, among other business platforms that also aim to strengthen the Brazil brand.