Live addresses psychopathologies during the coronavirus pandemic

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  • Live addresses psychopathologies during the coronavirus pandemic

Mental health needs attention under any circumstances, but it gains relevance in these difficult times of the Covid-19 pandemic. Attentive to the health of workers in the sector, Centrorochas, Sindirochas, and Sesi/Senai held this Wednesday, May 20, the live “Sane mind at work in a time of pandemic”, with the occupational psychologist at Sesi-ES Daniel Libardi.

Around 20 participants, including businessmen and human resources professionals from the stone sector, participated in the virtual meeting that addressed how to deal with the anxiety of workers at this time of the coronavirus pandemic. The challenges in people management, legal requirements and the new operating guidelines, work in loco and home office, were highlighted by the speaker.

During the entire period of social isolation, Sesi / Senai has offered free online psychological support services, within the rules established by the Federal Council of Psychology, to take care of the mental health of workers and promote emotional care. Scheduling by companies can be done over the phone: 27 98802-3266