
Iphan begins receiving proposals to review Normative Instruction 01/2015

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  • Iphan begins receiving proposals to review Normative Instruction 01/2015

Representing Centrorochas, the legal advisor for environmental issues and mining law of the organization, Victor Athayde, met with the director of the National Archaeology Center of the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute (Iphan), Herbert Moura Rego, on July 20, in Brasilia. The meeting centered around the review of Normative Instruction No. 01/2015, which prescribes the procedure for the institute to intervene in environmental licensing procedures. 

According to Moura Rego, the entire normative instruction is being reviewed, and proposals for a new draft may be introduced. An official public consultation is expected in November this year, but anyone who wants to participate can already send contributions by e-mail at revisaoin01@iphan.gov.br.