
Exporting entities from Espírito Santo seek improvements in the port system in Espírito Santo

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  • 26 September 2019
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  • Exporting entities from Espírito Santo seek improvements in the port system in Espírito Santo
Entidades exportadoras do Espírito Santo buscam melhorias no sistema portuário capixaba

This Wednesday, September 25, 2019, the main exporting entities of Espírito Santo met with the State Deputy, Marcelo Santos, in search of support for the improvement of the port system of the State, mainly to deal with the problems in the Port of Vitória.

Representatives of the Association of Permission Companies for Customs Enclosures – Dry Ports of Espírito Santo (APRA), the Export and Import Trade Union of the State of Espírito Santo (SINDIEX), the Coffee Trade Center of Vitória (CCCV), of the Brazilian Center of Ornamental Stones Exporters (CENTROROCHAS), of the Union of the Industry of Ornamental Stones, Lime and Limestones of Espírito Santo (SINDIROCHAS), of the Union of Maritime Navigation Agencies of the State of Espírito Santo (SINDAMARES) and of the Union of Brokers Customs Office of the State of Espírito Santo (SINDAEES). The organizations seek to maintain the state’s logistics competitiveness.

Measures requested by exporting entities:

– Port access signage

– Prince’s Gate

– Airport

– Second access to Porto, in the region of Capuaba


At the meeting, the need for an agenda with the State Governor, the Development Secretariat and the Transportation Secretariat was established for the progress of the elections. The meeting will be scheduled shortly.