
Covid-19: vaccination certificate can be issued in three languages

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  • Covid-19: vaccination certificate can be issued in three languages

Professionals in the Brazilian ornamental stone sector who have an international trip scheduled should pay attention to the documentation required by the destination countries. The vaccination certificate for the complete cycle of immunizers against Covid-19 can now be issued in three languages: Portuguese, English and Spanish. The functionality is in the ConectaSUS application, available for managing patient information in their relationship with the Unified Health System (SUS).

Issuing the certificate in other languages can be useful for people who want to leave the country or need to present this documentation to fulfill some type of requirement that requires proof of immunization.

The pandemic situation in the country has led most of the world to ban the entry of Brazilians. Part of the nations began to make these prohibitions more flexible. But there are different obligations imposed, such as the presentation of a negative test or the vaccination certificate with the completion of the vaccination cycle.

ConnectSUS is one of the ways to store vaccination information. Those who do not install the app and go to a vaccination center receive a card that needs to be kept in order to apply the second dose.

If a person loses the card, the Ministry of Health (MS) guidance is to seek the health unit where they received the first dose to pick up the duplicate. According to MS, the use of the application avoids this type of disorder as it keeps the information in the SUS system.

The app also brings a health history and procedures performed in the SUS, such as consultations and care in general. It is possible to make appointments through the app, as long as the patient is registered in the health unit and in the SUS system.

*With information from Agência Brasil