
Centrorochas participates in the ‘Journey with the Customer’ promoted by Gerdau in Rio

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  • 27 November 2019
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  • Centrorochas participates in the ‘Journey with the Customer’ promoted by Gerdau in Rio
Centrorochas participa da ‘Jornada com o Cliente’ promovida pela Gerdau no Rio

At the invitation of Gerdau, the president of Centrorochas, Frederico Robison, participated on the 26th and 27th of November in the “Journey with the Customer”. The event took place at the Windsor Plaza Hotel, in Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, and, in addition to the presence of the Brazilian Center for Ornamental Stones Exporters, it brought together representatives of G2 Ocean, BSS and an exporter.

During the two days, the guests experienced a customer experience session, following the designing thinking methodology. The aim was to think holistically and not just the final product/service. The interactions between the participants involved in the chain (processes, infrastructure, communication, materials) also aimed to improve the quality of the service, understanding the processes as a sequence of interrelated actions.