On Wednesday, September 9, the superintendent of Centrorochas, Alessandra Bertolani, participated, together with representatives of several exporting institutions, in a meeting at the Sindiex auditorium, in Vitória, to update on import and export operations. The matter was conducted by the lawyer of APRA (Association of Permission Companies of Customs Enclosures – Dry Ports of ES), Luciana Mattar.
Those present became aware of (1) the main points of ANTAQ’s new regulation that provides for port services – amendment of Resolution 2389 and (2) the developments and risks observed as a result of the VIII National Congress of Maritime, Port and Customs Law.
New ANTAQ regulation, main changes:
– Change of nomenclature. In the new norm, the Container Segregation and Delivery Service (SSE) is now named the price charged, upon importation, for the cargo handling service between the pile in the yard and the port terminal gate, for the management of cargo risks dangerous, for the registration of companies or people, for the permanence of vehicles for removal, for the release of documents or circulation of agents, for the removal of the load from the pile in the order or in the disposition in which it is found and for the positioning of the load in the vehicle of the importer or from your representative. The contractual provisions that provide for a different meaning are protected. This nomenclature will have an adaptation period and will come into force on 02/27/20.
The lawyer also presented contrary manifestations of several national entities regarding the changes and advised that the companies start, right now, to create a standard format of communication to the shipping agencies. “Knowing the operation that will come into effect in February, I suggest that companies prepare themselves with documentary evidence,” she said.
On October 29, businessmen and professionals with activities related to foreign trade will have the opportunity to learn more about this and other subjects in the lecture “Foreign trade: legal relations and port tariffs”, which will take place at Findes, in Vitória. The purpose of the meeting is to expose and debate the main items that affect the use of the Brazilian port infrastructure, comparing them to international benchmarking. The theme will be conducted by lawyer Luciana Mattar, specialist in Maritime, Port and Tax Law.
Registration is free and must be done here. The event takes place in partnership with Sindirochas and has the support of Findes, CCCV (Centro do Comércio do Café), Sindaees (Union of Customs Brokers Commissioner of ES), Sindiex (Syndicate of Commerce Exp. Imp. of ES) and Apra ( Association of Permission Companies of Customs Enclosures – Dry Ports of ES).
Date: 10/29 (Tuesday)
Time: 13:30
Location: Findes Plenary – Av. Our Mrs. da Penha, 2053 – Santa Lucia, Vitória – ES
Free registration (limited places): here
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