Centrorochas is present at an alignment workshop held by ApexBrasil

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  • Centrorochas is present at an alignment workshop held by ApexBrasil

The president of the Brazilian Center for Dimension Stone Exporters (Centrorochas), Tales Machado, participated in the alignment workshop held by the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil), on March 13, in SP. The two entities are partners in conducting It’s Natural – Brazilian Natural Stone, a program to support ornamental stone exports. The event marked the launch of the strategic guidelines of the new management of the National Agency in conducting sectoral projects.

In addition to the Executive Board of ApexBrasil, including the President, Jorge Viana, the event brought together the Vice President of Brazil and Minister of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services, Geraldo Alckmin, and the Secretary of Foreign Trade, Tatiana Prazeres. The executive director of Centrorochas, Celmo de Freitas, and the manager of It’s Natural, Rogério Ribeiro, also participated in the event.

Dedicated to looking at trends and opportunities for commercial promotion of Brazilian products and services abroad in 2023, ApexBrasil heard, in the workshop, proposals from partners and debated, in the light of different perspectives, the scenario and perspectives for international trade and promotion commercial in Brazil.

In his participation in the event, the president of the national entity of the Brazilian stone sector, Tales Machado, recalled the importance of the segment in the trade balance, the unique geodiversity of the country and highlighted the work that has been developed by the main producing states: Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Bahia and Ceará.


About It’s Natural – Brazilian Natural Stone

It’s Natural – Brazilian Natural Stone is an export incentive program developed by the Brazilian Center for Ornamental Stones Exporters (Centrorochas) in partnership with the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil). The program aims to stimulate and increase exports of Brazilian ornamental stones, through a set of strategic internationalization actions with promotion actions, strengthening the image and development of the sector in the world market.

About Centrorochas

The Brazilian Center for Dimension Stone Exporters is present in all national demands to increase the competitiveness of the dimension stone sector. The entity acts directly by providing support in the procedures related to the presence of Brazilian entrepreneurs abroad, combined with commercial and operational activities related to the development and evolution of Brazilian companies.

About ApexBrasil

ApexBrasil acts to promote Brazilian products and services abroad and attract foreign investment to strategic sectors of the Brazilian economy. To achieve these goals, the Agency carries out diversified trade promotion actions aimed at promoting exports and valuing Brazilian products and services abroad, such as prospective and trade missions, business roundtables, support for the participation of Brazilian companies in major international fairs, visits of foreign buyers and opinion makers to get to know the Brazilian production structure, among other business platforms that also aim to strengthen the Brazil brand.