
Centrorochas debates adequacy of the resolution that limits PBTC in the transport of rocks

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  • Centrorochas debates adequacy of the resolution that limits PBTC in the transport of rocks

Accompanied by the federal deputy, Evair de Melo, the president of Centrorochas, Tales Machado, met with the National Traffic Secretary, Frederico de Moura, on Wednesday (11/05), at the headquarters of the National Traffic Secretariat (Senatran) , in Brasilia, seeking adaptation to Resolution nº 935/2022, which recently replaced Resolution nº 354/2010.

Contran Resolution nº 935/2022 provides for the safety requirements for the transport of blocks and sawn plates of ornamental rocks, maintaining with little difference (from 57 to 58.5 tons) the limitation for the transport of rocks, unlike other economic segments which have a range, respecting the characteristics of each vehicle or CVC, to the PBTC of up to 74 tons, in very special cases and in delimited regions, up to 91 tons is allowed.

“The legislation has harmed the entire national segment and there are points that we cannot understand. You see, if our rocks are accommodated inside containers, they can be transported in CVC with up to 74 tons of PBTC, otherwise, they must respect the limit of 58.5 tons of PBTC. However, a product from another segment that has characteristics similar to ours, that is, which is also considered indivisible cargo, can be transported without being in a container and respecting the maximum limit of 74 tons. There is no technical difference between them”, asks Tales Machado who filed, in partnership with Sindirochas, a document including a technical feasibility study to adjust the current standard.

Present at the meeting, a prominent businessman in the segment in Brazil, José Antônio Guidoni, reinforced the importance of the request. “The legislation as it stands makes the work of the sector difficult and generates extra costs. It acts in opposition to the growth of the productive arrangement. Among other things, the weight limitation makes it difficult to search for materials in other states, in addition to alienating companies that operate in the transport of other loads”, he exemplified.

The businessman and president of Sindirochas, Ed Martins, reinforced to the secretary that companies in the sector want to work according to the legislation. “This is a request from the companies themselves that want to carry out their activities in a lawful manner. I remind you that Espírito Santo is the largest producing and exporting state in the segment. Per year, more than 15 million tons are transported by the highways of Espírito Santo. We consider that 1,400 trips are made per day transporting ornamental stones in the State, whether blocks or slabs”, he highlighted, clarifying that these data are conservative, as they do not consider displacement between processing industries.

Along with part of its technical team, secretary Frederico de Moura, informed that the body is in the process of reassessing processes and regulations for various cargoes. “We will re-evaluate your request with our thematic chamber. I know that this subject has already been discussed in the past and there was inconsistency, but we are in the process of reviewing the regulation of various cargoes, such as sugarcane and steel coils, which, like rock, have particularities”, he explained.

Also at the meeting, deputy Evair de Melo invited the secretary to get to know Espírito Santo and visit, especially, industries in the dimension stone sector. “In words, it is impossible to describe all the grandeur that is the rock sector. Our Holy Spirit was blessed,” he stated.

Also participating in the meeting were Senatran’s chief of staff, Celso Mizuno; the director of traffic safety-DSEG/Senatran, Daniel Mariz Tavares; the project manager – DRF/Senatran, Agnaldo Filho; the adviser to the executive secretariat/Minfra, Leonardo Marra; and the executive director of Centrorochas and Sindirochas, Celmo de Freitas.