
Centrorochas and Sindirochas participate in the Public Hearing of GT – Mining Code

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  • 29 November 2022
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  • Centrorochas and Sindirochas participate in the Public Hearing of GT – Mining Code

On November 23, Centrorochas and Sindirochas participated in the public hearing promoted by the Working Group to discuss changes to the Mining Code (GTMinera), created by the Chamber of Deputies to broadly discuss proposals to update the code with society. The entities, which were represented by legal advisor Victor Athayde, reaffirmed their commitment, as a civil society organization at national level in the stone sector, to contribute with relevant proposals in the legislative process in Brazil.

GTMinera is coordinated by deputy Filipe Barros (PL/PR) and rapporteur by deputy Joaquim Passarinho (PL-PA).

The participation of the entities consisted of amplifying the points of greatest concern in the sector of ornamental stones and mining in the state of Espírito Santo, which can be contemplated with a possible new Federal Law, which regulates mining management throughout Brazil.

“We present some topics, such as problems involving User Guides, Civil Liability, which generates compensation as a result of mineral usurpation, among other subjects that may be dealt with in order to provide greater legal security for the miner”, said Athayde.