
Bolsonaro sanctions law that benefits the mining of ornamental rocks

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  • Bolsonaro sanctions law that benefits the mining of ornamental rocks

We communicate the publication in the Official Gazette of this Wednesday, 01/08/2020, the sanction of Law No. 13,975 by President Jair Bolsonaro, which amends Law No. and coating and calcium and magnesium carbonates in the licensing or authorization and concession regime.

CENTROROCHAS would like to thank former president José Antônio Guidoni who, together with former superintendent Olívia Tirello, worked with dedication and commitment in the development of Supplementary Law Project 773/2015, authored by then-capixaba senator Ricardo Ferraço and supported by the Federal Bench, Federal Deputies Evair de Melo, Josias Da Vitória and Greyce Elias, in addition to the other politicians who participated, including their successors who continued the process.

With the enactment of Law No. 13,975, the exploitation of ornamental and coating stones and calcium and magnesium carbonates were included in the licensing or authorization and concession regime.