
ANM approves resolution that differentiates area limits for Authorization, Concession and Licensing regimes for dimension stones

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  • 12 November 2020
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  • ANM approves resolution that differentiates area limits for Authorization, Concession and Licensing regimes for dimension stones

This measure is the result of joint work carried out by Centrorochas and Sindirochas. Text reestablishes limit of 1,000 hectares for areas under authorization and concession regimes and maintains 50 hectares as limit for licensing regime.

The Collegiate Board of the National Mining Agency (ANM) approved this Wednesday, November 11, a resolution that puts an end to the question about the limits of the maximum areas of dimension stones to be required in the Authorization, Concession and Licensing Regimes, a reflection of the publication of Law No. 13,975, of January 7, 2020.

The subject was vigorously dealt with by Centrorochas and Sindirochas in direct actions and also with the support of the CNI Mining Council and Federal Deputies Evair de Melo and Da Vitória, together with the bodies involved – ANM, Secretariat of Geology, Mining and Mineral Transformation and Ministry of Mines and Energy. Meetings were held and documentation and legal opinions were forwarded, demonstrating that Law No. 6,567/1978 (amended by Law No. 13,975/2020) had created an alternative regime for the sector and not an obligation, which would restrict the size of the areas required under the authorization and concession regime. In one of these actions, the entities, along with businessman José Geraldo Guidoni, were in the company of Dep. Evair de Melo, in an audience with the Minister of Mines and Energy, Bento Albuquerque and with the Secretary of Geology, Mining and Mineral Transformation, Alexandre Vidigal.

The publication of the Resolution whose draft was approved is expected in the next few days, and the entities representing the stone sector will continue to monitor the issue and will inform you as soon as the official publication comes out.

Foto principal: Pedreira Caravelas / Corcovado