
Actors in the export process in the state of Espírito Santo come together to solve the logistical crisis in the local port system

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  • Actors in the export process in the state of Espírito Santo come together to solve the logistical crisis in the local port system

Due to the difficulties related to the process of exporting containers through Vila Velha Terminal, aggravated in March, after numerous initiatives with the main actors involved in this mode of transportation, the Brazilian Center of Natural Stone Exporters (Centrorochas) requested support from the Government of Espírito Santo to demand measures from the responsible bodies.

In response to the request, during a meeting held on March 26, at Palácio da Fonte Grande, in the city of Vitória,  vice-governor Ricardo Ferraço led a meeting, which included the participation of the board of directors of Vports (port authority), Vila Velha Terminal, the board of directors of MSC, and the main clients of the container terminal in the state, represented by the organizations Centrorochas, Sindicato do Comércio de Exportação e Importação do Espírito Santo (Sindiex) [Export and Import Trade Union in the state of Espírito Santo], Câmara de Comércio de Café (CCCV) [Coffee Chamber of Commerce], and Sindicato dos Despachantes Aduaneiros (Sindaes) [Union of Customs Brokers].

Ferraço began the meeting by emphasizing the importance of jointly resolving challenges of great magnitude, highlighting that joining forces leads to more assertive conversations and faster solutions. “We are part of the same problem, and that makes us part of the same solution. We are gathered here to reach this solution,” he said, suggesting the creation of a crisis committee.

The president of Centrorochas, Tales Machado, shared the needs of the segment and requested assistance to solve the main issues relating to exporting natural stones via the Port of Vitória / Vila Velha Terminal. As these actions require dialogue between various agents to seek continuous improvements, he suggested the reactivation of a Committee, used in several moments of crisis in the past.

The parties determined that problems of different natures brought the container handling operation close to collapse. According to the sales director of MSC do Brasil, Laurent Van der Voo, the lack of equipment is attributable to the increased demand for 20-foot containers due to the increase in exports of coffee and natural stones and due to geopolitical conflicts that make global logistics more complex. As MSC highlighted, the situation will ameliorate when ships loaded with empty containers are received. Vila Velha Terminal, in turn, has been operating with a high occupancy rate and has been negotiating the addition of a new area to relieve its operations with Vports, in addition to carrying out major maintenance work to comply with contractual requirements. Among others, this set of situations affects the processes of terminal users.

In order to minimize the problems, a Crisis Committee was created aiming to improve communication between the parties and to seek solutions, with the participation of everyone involved, including a representative of the Government of Espírito Santo. The first meeting of the Crisis Committee will take place next week, with a pre-approved agenda: actions to reduce the wait of up to 7 days for containers to enter the port. Centrorochas will remain firm in the search for solutions!