Coffee with Entrepreneurs, in Cachoeiro and Vitória, addresses the integration of entities

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  • Coffee with Entrepreneurs, in Cachoeiro and Vitória, addresses the integration of entities

The three main entities of the ornamental stone sector in Espírito Santo: Sindirochas, Cetemag and Rochativa signed an alliance with Centrorochas, an organization with national operations, for the strengthening of the sector and its entrepreneurs in the search for fair representation in decision-making involving the arrangement productive, given the importance of the State that contributes with the largest volume of business in Brazilian exports.

On March 4th and 6th, respectively in Cachoeiro de Itapemirim and Vitória, Centrorochas and Sindirochas received dozens of businessmen for an update on the integration of the entities. In the South region, Café com Impresários took place at the Sindirochas Auditorium, in the Aeroporto district, in Cachoeiro; in the capital, the meeting took place at the Industry Fair, in the Findes building.

Called “Juntos Somos Mais Fortes”, the movement strives for the integration of institutions and, increasingly, has been gaining strength with the support of businessmen. In time, Brazil is one of the five largest producers of ornamental stones in the world and exports to 125 countries on all continents. Espírito Santo is the national leader in the segment, it is the largest producer state and the main exporter of slabs and blocks in the country, holding the largest processing park and the largest production center of capital goods for the segment, accounting for about 82% of the total turnover of Brazilian stone exports.