Centrorochas will participate in an initial meeting with Apex-Brasil on a market study in the United Arab Emirates

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  • 12 February 2021
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  • Centrorochas will participate in an initial meeting with Apex-Brasil on a market study in the United Arab Emirates

Invited by Apex-Brasil, Centrorochas will participate on February 25 in the kick-off meeting of the UAE market study. The meeting is part of the 6th cycle of studies to be prepared by Euromonitor consultancy, hired by the national agency to evaluate new markets.

At this first moment, efforts will be concentrated on defining the scope of the study addressing the segmentation of the exportable supply, aspects
relevant target market and thematic segmentation. A work schedule and the corresponding division of responsibilities will also be established.

Centrorochas will be represented by its vice-president, Fabio Cruz, who will participate in the meeting with the technical teams from Apex and Euromonitor.