President of Centrorochas participates in agenda with Consul of Argentina

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  • President of Centrorochas participates in agenda with Consul of Argentina

On a visit to Espírito Santo this Thursday, October 14, the Consul General of the Republic of Argentina in Rio de Janeiro, Claudio Gutierrez, and the 1st Secretary of the Economic and Commercial Section of the Argentine Embassy in Brasília, Alfredo Curi, were received by 1st vice-president of Findes, Paulo Baraona, and by the president of Centrorochas, Tales Machado, during a visit for commercial approximation.

The meeting took place at the building of the federation of industries in Espírito Santo, in Vitória, and was attended by the executive business manager, Cícero Grams, and the specialist from the International Business Center (CIN-ES), Gustavo Nunes, who gave a presentation on the potentialities of Espírito Santo, highlighting, among other points, its strength in international trade.

Representing the president of Findes, Cris Samorini, Baraona highlighted the logistical vocation of the State, as well as its strength in foreign trade with products such as iron ore, ornamental rocks and oil and gas. “We are at a time when the private initiative needs to take care of politics a little and work in partnership with the public power for economic growth, job creation and reduction of social difficulties”, he stressed.

“We have cooperation agreements signed with several institutions, all with aligned objectives that benefit both parties. Our focus is on increasing exports of goods and services. We got to know several products from Espírito Santo, among them, the marble and granite produced here”, added the consul.

Largest exporter of ornamental stones in the country, Espírito Santo was responsible, in 2020, for about 30% of Argentine imports of ornamental stones. “Last year, we accumulated revenues of US$4.2 million from exports to Argentina. This year, until September, Brazil has revenues of 5.2 billion dollars with sales there”, highlighted Tales Machado.