60 companies from the Brazilian stone sector confirm their participation in Coverings 2022

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  • 08 December 2021
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  • 60 companies from the Brazilian stone sector confirm their participation in Coverings 2022

The milder scenario of the pandemic and the good moment of the world stone sector has motivated Brazilian companies to resume participation in international fairs. Exactly 60 companies in the segment have confirmed their participation in the 2022 edition of Coverings, considered the largest fair in the marble and granite sector in North America, which will take place from April 5th to 8th, in Las Vegas, United States. The event to draw the areas took place on December 6th, in Vitória, Espírito Santo, and was organized by the Brazilian Center for Ornamental Stones Exporters (Centrorochas), executing entity of It’s Natural – Brazilian Natural Stone, a sectorial project to promote Brazilian rocks in the international market, carried out in partnership with the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil).

Representatives of companies installed in the state were gathered in person, in the auditorium of the Federation of Industries of Espírito Santo (Findes), and, virtually, those of companies located in other Brazilian states. Following pre-established criteria, companies were divided into four groups and had the opportunity to choose their stands as their names were drawn.

“Although we tested several online draw platforms, we chose to do everything physically. We wanted the companies to follow the entire process and have a guarantee of the suitability of the selection”, detailed the manager of the sectoral project, Rogério Ribeiro.

There’s still a chance!

The Brazilian Pavilion will consist of 74 stands divided into an area of 1,780 m². There are still vacancies still available for Brazilian companies in the ornamental stone sector that are interested in participating in the event. Simply be or become an It’s Natural supported company to access the benefits. Membership is free upon signing an initial term and answering a segmentation survey. Those interested can talk to the person responsible for managing the project’s relationship, Mila Romanelli: 27 99983-5125.

About It’s Natural – Brazilian Natural Stone

It’s Natural – Brazilian Natural Stone is an export incentive program developed by the Brazilian Center for Ornamental Stones Exporters (Centrorochas) in partnership with the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil). This program aims to stimulate and increase exports of Brazilian ornamental stones, through a set of strategic internationalization actions with promotion actions, strengthening the image and development of the sector in the world market.

About Centrorochas

The Centro Brasileiro dos Exportadores de Pedras Ornamentais acts directly in the procedures related to the presence of Brazilian businessmen abroad combined with commercial and operational activities related to the development and evolution of Brazilian companies.

About Apex-Brasil

Apex-Brasil acts to promote Brazilian products and services abroad and attract foreign investment to strategic sectors of the Brazilian economy. To achieve these goals, the Agency carries out diversified trade promotion actions aimed at promoting exports and valuing Brazilian products and services abroad, such as prospective and trade missions, business roundtables, support for the participation of Brazilian companies in major international fairs, visits of foreign buyers and opinion makers to get to know the Brazilian production structure, among other business platforms that also aim to strengthen the Brazil brand.