
President of Apex-Brasil says the agency will correct directions to meet demands from ornamental stone exporters

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  • President of Apex-Brasil says the agency will correct directions to meet demands from ornamental stone exporters

The announcement was made during a webinar held by Centrorochas e Sindirochas and brought together participants from 15 states and three countries.

An enriching chat, totally focused on the representativeness and development of actions in the dimension stone sector in the international market. This sentence sums up well the webinar with the president of the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil), Sergio Segovia, held this Wednesday, June 3rd, by the Brazilian Center for Ornamental Stones Exporters (Centrorochas) and the Sindirochas (Union of Dimension Stone, Lime and Limestone Industries of the State of Espírito Santo.

The event, formatted through the Zoom platform, brought together businessmen from around 120 companies, in addition to approximately 100 participants, who identified themselves as individuals, from 15 Brazilian states and three different countries, including Brazil. Despite these numbers, the webinar had a wider reach. Companies, such as the Andrade Group, located in the municipality of Serra-ES, even installed a large screen so that their employees could follow everything live. In addition, there was a broadcast on the Centrorochas YouTube channel.


The presidents of the two organizing entities, Frederico Robison (Centrorochas) and Tales Machado (Sindirochas), thanked Apex-Brasil for its availability during the opening of the event and noted the support received from the federal deputy and leader of the Mixed Parliamentary Front in Defense of Trade Internacional e do Investimento (FrenCOMEX), Evair de Melo, also present, for the dialogue with the agency to carry out the webinar.


During his presentation, the president of Apex-Brasil reinforced that the agency feels honored to maintain a partnership with the sector of ornamental stones due to all its representativeness and importance, which contributes to the projection of the image and placement of Brazil in the international market. “On a recent visit to Espírito Santo, known to be the largest stone producing and exporting state, I saw the capacity and entrepreneurship of the entrepreneurs, which facilitates the agency’s performance in its tasks of promoting the export of Brazilian products, the internationalization of national companies and attracting direct foreign investment,” he said.


After a presentation by the Brazilian export agency, the vice-president of Centrorochas, Fábio Cruz, and the director of Sindirochas, Valdecyr Viguini, opened the round of questions. Participants were also able to send their questions to President Segovia and the Apex-Brasil team present in the chat: the business director, Augusto Pestana, the corporate management director, Edervaldo Teixeira, and the chief of staff of the presidency, Odilon Leite . Questions that were not answered during the webinar were forwarded to the agency that will provide direct feedback to the participant.


Stone Summit

Thinking about fostering creativity and partnerships, the Stone Summit was launched during the webinar, an initiative to connect and boost the stone sector. The project, conceived by Milanez & Milanez, a company of the Veronafiere group, is a promotion of Sindirochas and Centrorochas and was born to interconnect opportunities for the ‘new normal’ and face the future that already presents itself. The initiative will carry out actions such as exclusive lives with the participation of relevant names in the sector, sharing content, experiences and market data. The Stone Summit also has the support of Cetemag, Rochativa and Revista Rochas.