GT Minera approves permission for successive GU renewals in the text of the Bill

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  • 08 December 2022
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  • GT Minera approves permission for successive GU renewals in the text of the Bill

An old request from the national ornamental stone sector was answered by the working group of the Chamber of Deputies in charge of proposing a new Mining Code (GT Minera) this Wednesday, 11/07. The group approved the bill of the rapporteur, Deputy Joaquim Passarinho, allowing successive extensions of guides for the use of mines until the definitive issuance of the mining ordinance.

The victory counted on the direct intervention of deputy Evair Vieira de Mello who, aware of the issue of stone entrepreneurs, interceded on behalf of the segment that generates more than 480,000 direct and indirect jobs in the country. “We are going to do this supplementary vote just going back to what it was before so as not to harm the ornamental stone sector, which employs and generates a lot of income and a lot of taxes in this country”, announced Passarinho before the vote on the matter.

“Federal deputy Josias da Vitória and Comin were also essential in this victory,” said Centrorochas president Tales Machado. “Of the various advances suggested, we managed to make some adjustments to the text, in the part that deals with user guides, when it conditions their existence on obtaining environmental documents, their successive extensions and their validity while there is no response to their request for extension. Now it’s time to work to maintain the achievements and advance in other points, “he added.

The legal advisor of Centrorochas e Sindirochas, Victor Athayde, provided support in drafting the proposals, parliamentary interlocution and legislative consultancy in the Chamber of Deputies.

The current Code already allows, on an exceptional basis, the extraction of mineral substances in a titled area, even before the granting of the mining concession, with prior authorization from the National Mining Agency (ANM).

Photo by Nova Aurora – White Spring quarry

(With information from the Câmara de Notícias Agency)