Centrorochas visits the EPZ in Ceará to understand the benefits that the sector can have with the EPZ in Aracruz

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  • 13 November 2019
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  • Centrorochas visits the EPZ in Ceará to understand the benefits that the sector can have with the EPZ in Aracruz
Centrorochas visita ZPE no Ceará para entender benefícios que o setor pode ter com a ZPE de Aracruz

On November 7, the president of Centrorochas, Frederico Robison, and the superintendent, Alessandra Bertolani, made a technical visit to the Port of Pecém, located in Ceará. The visit to the Export Processing Zone (ZPE) allowed them to get to know the processes and innovations of the space, which already operates in the export of several products, among them, ornamental stones, for the ZPE Aracruz that should be implemented at the beginning of the year, in the Holy Spirit. The state of Espírito Santo is the main leader in the country as the largest exporting state, accounting for about 80% of the country’s total revenue.

According to the managing director of the Aracruz EPZ, Celso Kholer, the process for starting the port’s activities is well advanced. “We were able to renew all deadlines in Brasilia and, in six months, the first anchor project should be implemented in Aracruz”, he explains. All segments interested in operating in the space are considered anchors and already have letters of intent attached. “The next step is for each anchor to present their project for evaluation by the National Secretariat for EPZs”, he details. The body is located in Brasília and is linked to the Ministry of Economy.

“Aracruz is taking important steps to streamline activities in the municipality. The EPZs are created from the proposal of states and municipalities, and consolidated by decree, after meeting a series of requirements, such as area availability, proof of financial availability to cover the required costs, industrial project prepared in accordance with the legislation, economic viability study, suitable location with access to ports and international airports, among other issues”, comments Development Secretary Marcos Kneip.

The president of Sindirochas, Tales Machado, highlighted that Espírito Santo has exports in its DNA. “In addition to being a reference in coffee and other products, the state is the largest Brazilian exporter of ornamental stones, but, in logistical terms, it is not competitive like other states. The beginning of the activities of the Aracruz EPZ can be a good tool to expand this capixaba export vocation. Companies that settle in an EPZ have access to specific tax, exchange and administrative treatment. These incentives provide more balanced conditions to compete in the international market”, he details.

The president of Centrorochas, Frederico Robison, says that he is looking forward to the start of the activities of the EPZ in Espírito Santo. “Espírito Santo has many bottlenecks that need to be overcome. With the inauguration of this port, the stone sector will have three options in the state for transporting its production. The differential of Aracruz is that the companies that are there will have several benefits at their disposal. This generates added value to the product and balances commercial relationships”, he concludes.