
Centrorochas participates in a hearing with the Minister of Mines and Energy on mining ordinance

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  • 04 November 2020
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  • Centrorochas participates in a hearing with the Minister of Mines and Energy on mining ordinance

The president of Centrorochas, Frederico Robison, participated on October 28, in Brasília, in an audience with the Minister of Mines and Energy (MME), Bento Albuquerque, and the federal deputy and leader of the Joint Parliamentary Front in Defense of International Trade and do Investimento (FrenCOMEX), Evair de Melo to request interlocution with the National Mining Agency (ANM) about the divergence of understanding regarding the amendment of Law 6567/1978 by Law 13.975/2020 on granting mining ordinances for dimension stones, which led to a stoppage in the granting of titles.

The meeting also brought together the Secretary of Geology and Mining and Mineral Transformation MME, Alexandre Vidigal de Oliveira, businessman José Geraldo Guidoni, consultant Olívia Tirello and lawyer Felipe Martins Silvares Costa. Representatives of the stone sector presented their theses and proposed solutions for the case, aiming to subsidize the dialogue between the MME and the ANM so that it changes what is necessary in Ordinance 155/2016 and resumes the granting of mining titles for areas greater than 50 acre.

According to the interpretation of the ANM, the substances included in the list of art. 1 of Law 6,567/1978 would now have titles with a maximum area of 50 hectares, not only in the Licensing Regime of Law 6,567/1978, but also in the Authorization and Concession Regime, bringing great impact, especially for the ornamental stone sectors. After the meeting, the Minister and Secretary of Mines and Energy stated that they would seek a solution by the end of November.